Web Design & Development for Small Businesses

You have the ideas. We make sure the world sees them.

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First, it was the newspaper. Then, it was the radio. Telemarketing came and went. In today’s age, what is the best way to reach consumers? We would say here at SN Design that a well designed and responsive website is all you need. With more people than ever turning to the internet to find what they need, we can take your business and place it directly into their hands.

Personal and Unique Designs

No need to use pre-made website templates that thousands of other people have already used. We can create a website that is uniquely yours and designed to your taste.

Improved User Experience

Clunky designs and difficult to find information can drive away potential customers out of frustration. Our website designs are created with user experience in mind to help customers find the information they are looking for on your website with no extra effort on their part.

Multi Level Web Design

Whether your small business remains a local commodity or explodes into a global sensation, we are here for you every step of the way. Our web designs are able to grow with you and your business, ensuring that your content stays relevant and your customers remain happy.

Search Engine Optimization

Find yourself getting lost in the competition and unable to figure out Google’s algorithm? With our search engine optimization services, we can keep your website in the top of the search for all of your future customers to easily find.

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Mobile Responsiveness

With so many customers searching for products on their phone, it is critical that your website is effective on multiple screen sizes. A website that only functions properly when viewed on a computer will lose valuable traffic with a customer population that is looking for information on the go. Our websites are carefully designed to fit a computer, tablet, or mobile phone screen to provide a satisfactory experience for all users.

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Brand Consistency

Custom web design allows you to maintain brand consistency across all of your online platforms, ensuring that your customers have a seamless experience with your brand. A cohesive, consistent brand is one way to look professional and put together to customers engaging with your website and platforms.

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Personalized Support

No need to struggle through a premade template on your own. We are here to help you every step of the way from start to finish with your website, and we provide continued support throughout the lifetime of the website. With quick response time and friendly staff, we are here for your business, your website, your way.